


Anaphoric markers

1Independent PronounPronominalCiNsengaDetails
2Inherent reflexivenull argument interpreted reflexivelyCiNsengaDetails
5OMobject markerCiNsengaDetails
6pronoun-eka pronoun-eka combinationCiNsengaDetails
7RCMVerbal Affix ReciprocalCiNsengaDetails
8RFMReflexive verbal affixCiNsengaDetails
9SMsubject markerCiNsengaDetails

Predicate Types

No results.

Clause Types

No results.

C Types

1kuinfinitival markerCiNsengaSections: Properties(6)

2kútíkútíCiNsengaSections: Properties(7)

Example Sentences

There are 302 example sentences.

List examples

Language Properties

Some syntactic properties of the language

Word order
Consistently SVO

General information about the language

Language name
Genetic classification (Ethnologue)
Niger-Congo, Atlantic-Congo, Volta-Congo, Benue-Congo, Bantoid, Southern, Narrow Bantu, Central, N,
Language group (Ethnologue top level)

Language consultant information

Consultant name
Silvester Ron Simango
Gender of consultant
Level of education
Language biography
His parents spoke CiNsenga at home, which they spoke natively. He learned CiNsenga natively and received schooling in English and Cicewa.
Learned language at age
Mother tongue
CommentsBoth parents were native speakers.
Familiarity with the language
native speaker
Formal knowledge of the grammar
specialized knowledge, e.g., as language teacher or linguist
Who participated in the elicitation?
Ken Safir and Sylvester Ron Simango using an early version of the Anaphora Questionnaire.

Status of data in database

Is the information for the sentences entered complete?
Data for entered sentences is complete
CommentsThis data was collected early in the project and our glossing standards have since changed. The glossing has not yet been adjusted accordingly.
Is the data for markers in this language complete?
Data for markers incomplete
CommentsSince this data was mostly recorded and entered in 2007-8 and collected a few years earlier, some revision might be necessary.
Is the sentence data likely to change soon?
No new sentence data will be entered in the near future
CommentsThere has been no new sentence data added since 2007, although there was some revision of the analytic entities in 2015.