

Anaphoric markers

1'RCM'BasaáSections: Marker_shape(8), Readings(9)

2'RCM' + PRN CONN PRNBasaáSections: Marker_shape(1)

3'RCM' + PRN-REFLBasaáDetails
4BODY PRNBasaáSections: Marker_shape(12), Readings(1)

5BODY PRN-REFLBasaáSections: Marker_shape(5), Readings(1)

6Null Object ReciprocalNull object interpreted as inherently reciprocalBasaáSections: Marker_shape(1)

7Null Object ReflexiveNull object interpreted as inherent reflexiveBasaáSections: Marker_shape(2), Structural_context(2)

8Null POSSBasaáSections: Marker_shape(2)

9PRN CONN PRNBasaáSections: Marker_shape(5), Readings(4)

10PRN PRN-REFLBasaáDetails
11PRN-ALONEBasaáSections: Marker_shape(10)

12PRN-REFLBasaáSections: Marker_shape(6), Readings(6)

13PronounBasaáSections: Marker_shape(2)

14pronoun + PRN CONN PRNBasaáSections: Marker_shape(2)

15RFMBasaáSections: Marker_shape(8), Structural_context(11), Readings(7)

16RFM+PRN-REFLBasaáSections: Marker_shape(10)

17V-Null RFMtamla 'introduce oneself'BasaáDetails

Example Sentences

There are 892 example sentences.

List examples

Language Properties

Some syntactic properties of the language

Word order
Consistently SVO

General information about the language

ISO code (ISO 639-3), aka Ethnologue code
ISO 639-3
Language name
Genetic classification (Ethnologue)
Niger-Congo, Atlantic-Congo, Volta-Congo, Benue-Congo, Bantoid, Southern, Narrow Bantu, Northwest, A, Basaa (A.43)
Language group (Ethnologue top level)

Language consultant information

Consultant name
Paul Roger Bassong
Gender of consultant
Level of education
Learned language at age
Mother tongue
Familiarity with the language
native speaker
Formal knowledge of the grammar
specialized knowledge, e.g., as language teacher or linguist
Who participated in the elicitation?
Paul Roger Bassong, Naga Selvanathan and Ken Safir using the Clausal Complementation Questionnaire and the Anaphora Questionnaire.

Status of data in database

Is the information for the sentences entered complete?
Data for entered sentences is complete
Is the data for markers in this language complete?
Data for markers incomplete
Is the sentence data likely to change soon?
New Data is in the process of being entered