Predicate Types
No results.
Clause Types
Name | Description | Answerset | ||
1 | Indicative Clause | Indicative Clause | Bemba | Details |
C Types
Name | Description | Answerset | ||
1 | átì | Indicative Clause Complementizer | Bemba | Sections: Properties(4)
2 | ubu | infinitival marker | Bemba | Sections: Properties(6)
Example Sentences
There are 580 example sentences.
Language Properties
Some syntactic properties of the language
Word order
Consistently SVO |
General information about the language
ISO code (ISO 639-3), aka Ethnologue code
bem | |
Comments | Variety spoken in Democratic Republic of the Congo has a different Ethnologue code - bmy. |
Language name
Bemba (also Icibemba) |
Dialect/variety reported
Copperbelt province in Zambia |
Genetic classification (Ethnologue)
Niger-Congo, Atlantic-Congo, Volta-Congo, Benue-Congo, Bantoid, Southern, Narrow Bantu, Central, M, Bemba (M.42) |
Language group (Ethnologue top level)
Niger-Congo |
Language consultant information
Consultant name
Nancy C. Kula |
Gender of consultant
female |
Professor of Linguistics at University of Essex |
Level of education
post Ph.D. |
Language biography
a. What language(s) did your parents speak at home? Bemba, English
b. What language(s) do/did your parents speak natively? Bemba c. What language (languages) did you receive school instruction in? English d. How old were you when you learned the subject language? Infant e. Do you speak an identifiable subdialect of this language? What is it called? No f. Do you speak other dialects of the same language? Which ones? No |
Who participated in the elicitation?
Nancy Kula and Ken Safir using the Anaphora Questionnaire. |
Status of data in database
Is the information for the sentences entered complete?
Not sure |
Is the data for markers in this language complete?
Not sure |
Is the sentence data likely to change soon?
No new sentence data will be entered in the near future |